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Did you update your iPhone app?  The new Runcoach release allows members to more easily manage goals, review historical data, and adjust training progress through our vVO2

What is vVO2 and how does it apply to me?

You may have come across this term in your Runcoach, Movecoach, or My Run Plan training.  vVO2 is the marker we use to determine your training paces. The little v is for velocity. VO2 is the maximum amount of oxygen an individual’s body can use during intense aerobic exercise. Put together, vVO2 means the meters per minute covered by the individual; essentially how fast you are running when you hit VO2 effort.

But wait, there’s more! vVO2 changes constantly. As your body becomes more efficient, your vVO2 will increase. The heart gets stronger and can pump more blood, the running muscles become better developed and can handle more stress put on them, and your form improves due to repetition. This development of increased economy is what makes you faster! The more improvement you get in economy, the easier it will be to run further and faster with less effort.

So how can you apply this to your training? We do it for you! The algorithms used with Runcoach, Movecoach, and My Run Plan take into consideration your current fitness to start. As you progress, your plan will automatically update to match your improvements in economy (thus increasing your vVO2) as you get faster by consistently following your training plan!

Tap here from your phone or go to the new "MANAGE" tab in the app to check it out.

Android update will come in April, don't think we forgot about you!

Published in How it Works

This is a great read about endurance activity and increased heart metabolism.

One of the key points is that the research was done with heart rates at 65-75% of capacity.  Since maintenance pace keeps you in the 65-80% MHR range this study is highly applicable to running.  The fact that these stimuli seem to return the heart to a metabolic state of youth could be paramount in heart disease prevention and overall cardiac throughput.

In theory our threshold/10K/VO2 work could stimulate an even greater cardiac metabolism since we operate closer to 85-95% of MHR.

If you’re in anywhere between 30-90 years old, this is a great read.

Exercise Makes Hearts Grow Younger
Published in Running Research

This week, I finally gave our double stroller away – my kids now weighing far too much in combination, and having long since passed the time when they found it acceptable to be belted into the stroller and pushed along the bike path or the sidewalk.   As I watched it folded up and driven away in someone else’s car for someone else’s kids, I must confess to a bit of nostalgia. 

Published in Training
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