Two years ago, Yateesh Mallya would have laughed hard if anyone suggested he run even a half marathon. But he’s come a long way. Last year he ran his first marathon. This year, he ran 3 marathons and 3 half marathons, and completed a duathlon, a 100-mile bike ride, and countless long runs to push through 26.2 on race day. At the 2017 California International Marathon, his courageous pursuit of the most unlikely goal paid off with a 3:27 personal best, ever closer to achieving his goal of someday qualifying for the Boston Marathon.
His advice?
“Believe in your training, trust your efforts. Hard work does pay off at the end no matter what your goal is.”Name: Yateesh Mallya
Major Milestone: I set a PR of 3:27 at the 2017 California International Marathon, beating last year’s time by 11 minutes. This was my fourth marathon—the third one I’d run this year.
What is the secret to your success? Pacing. I went into the race and stuck with the 3:22 pace group for first half of the race. I pushed ahead for another 10k, slowed a bit for the next 5-K and pushed the final stretch to the finish strong with a chip time of 3:27.
What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? I felt some stomach cramps and slight leg cramps during the race. I took 30 seconds to one minute to let it relax a bit. Then I got back on the course. There hasn't been a race this year where I had a great run without any issues along the way. I’ve been having stomach issues the entire year. I pushed through it just to toe the line and achieve my goal.
What is the most rewarding part of training? The most rewarding part of this training has been to get the results despite all odds. I've had great support from Runcoach with their amazing training plans which are custom made to suit your specific needs and races for the year.
What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community? Stick with the training. Follow it through. There will be days when you feel under the weather and don't want to do it. Thinking of the journey you have endured so far will help you achieve your goal.
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